Wednesday, September 2, 2009

StarWars Force Unleashed TROPHIES!?!

So I downloaded home (AGAIN) just to give it a try and see if it makes me want to vomit or shoot myself. It still sucks, but has alot of new options to suck too.

Anywho, me and Ian were running around and harassing this Ninja and just out of curiosity I wanted to see his profile. In his profile I saw starwars based trophies.

WHAT!?. I looked up his games and sure enough. Star Wars unleashed has trophies added.
WHEN did this happen?. I didn't hear or read anything about this. I heard about the new levels and outfits that you could buy. But at no point did I hear about trophies added.

So I pop in my copy of unleashed and sure enough, a update for the game, adds trophies!!
I like that, I don't mind going back and playing this game. Its been quite some time since I last played, so its no big deal. So sometime in the near future I look forward to going back and starwarsing it up.


rowen26 said...

Aw poop!

I never got to finish that game. My 360 died while I was playing it.