That's nuts, at first I thought it must be the conversion from our dollar to theirs. But once I checked it, $1.00 Canadian is $1.16 Australian. So they are paying a ridiculous amount for games and consoles. A 60GB PS3 console (used) is selling for $835.00. WHAT!!! How much do these people pay for toothpaste, $15.00 bucks?!!!
Anyway, my sympathies go out to you poor blokes!
So in my endeavour to trade in this game, and get rid of it forever, because it SUCKS. I decided, because it entertains me. ( DANCE MONKEYS!!!, DANCE!!!!!) That I will give my Sonic the Hedgehog game away. I will even mail this piece of shit to anywhere in Canada.

All anyone has to do, is make a post on this topic, and because I don't really know how many people even read this blog, I will wait to see how many post I actually get. Then stick the names in a hat and draw out the unlucky/ I mean lucky wiener...I mean winner!!!
Yup, that's it, make a post on this lovely game and it could be yours for the low low price of $000.0000.0000. That's alot of not money!!!!WOW!!!

Good Luck
Hey Blake, that's cool you're giving it away. Is this contest only open to those in Canada though? I'm in the US and wouldn't mind trying out the game even though it's supposedly not that good.
sure, why not, I think that everyone should be able to experience this Amazing game. Good Luck!
yo dog, i'm on your computer at work. you sick today or sumpin?
anyway, i'd love to take that game off your hands but i don't have a ps3. so i'd be stuck putting it up on kijiji or something. can you imagine?
haha, imagine!!!
Only a few more days to find out if pat or franklin win this awesome game. I would like to thank everyone who participated, all 2 of you.
I can't wait!
okeydokey, 50/50 chance of winning a game. And winner pulled outta my hat is ....dum dudm dumd, FRANKLIN. YAAAAYAAAYAYAYAYAYA.
Well, I tried to send you a message, but I can't log onto your profile. So I am hoping you see this message. I will leave it for a few days and wait for you to respond.
If you don't then I will repost the winning person(you) and hope you check back in on the site.
congrats, have fun ripping your eyeballs out with this.
I don't have your e-mail, but you can shoot me an e-mail at franklin6hrpower@gmail.com and then I'll send you my info. Thanks for doing this contest!
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