Wednesday, February 1, 2012

GameSoup Taste Funny

Like most people I meet through this site, I enjoy reading others thoughts on games and gaming life, be it a family gamer, bachelor gamer, a gay gamer. It doesn't matter, its enjoyable to hear friendly inspired gamers help fuel the gaming community. Often times its really only through other REAL gamers that we can get an idea if a game is good or not, some times I find some actual game sites aren't allowed to to get real, but have to keep it kosher.

Anywho...Mr Hawkins, (I don't know if he's related to Stephen or Richard Hawkins?) got a nice little site that I like to share with others who visit here. Give a little love and maybe you'll enjoy his brain soup as well.

Click Here for a visit


Anonymous said...

If you squint your eyes it looks like an unrolled condom.....just saying

Blake said...

Julio....I know its you...are you linked with Anonymous?! The Hacker society?!!..I know where you work!!