Thursday, October 29, 2009

New PS3 Case Design

Thanks to Loner Gamer for bringing this to my attention. But I didn't know that Sony was redesigning the PS3 game cases. I knew they were changing the PS3 logo from its spiderman font to this new one. But heard nothing about new game case designs.

I gotta say that I don't like the design one bit. When I first saw it, I thought it was a PSP case. Now, it justs .......I'm at a lost for what it is. I don't like the composition of it. The whole feel of the case just seems off.

While the last one seemed sleek and new and cutting edge. This one seems old and sloppy. Point being, I don't like. Like I post on Loners Blog, "It seems Sony loves to do something right and then turn around and do something equally awful to balance everything out."


CyberStrike3000X said...

I hate these new box designs. I wish they'd at least kept the side part looking the same, so they would fit in with the rest of my PS3 games.


CyberStrike3000X said...

Another thing I've noticed is that they seem to have redesigned the PSP cases to look exactly the same. I can't even tell anymore if a game is for PS3 or PS3 when I see it anymore.