I have no problem with what the Kinect is trying to do with gaming, but being met with a argument today with,"at least Microsoft is trying something new as compared to the Move -Wii" then you only have to look back to the PS2 and the Eye when it came out with the same type of gameplay. So much so that it was so broken they had to add a controller to get it to work properly. So is Microsoft being original here? Of course not, they took an existing broken idea and tried to fix it, which is good on them. Take a broken idea and make it work and we as gamers will benefit from it.
Here is my problem, don't give me a piece of hardware and tell me its the bee's knee's. The argument that its the first piece of tech like it is both false and tiresome. How many times do we have to swallow this shit from Microsoft? They released the Xbox early with over 50% dieing in the first 6 months, they release Kinect that has fundamental gaming flaws. And with both of these hardware flaws people still say,"Its only the first ones, you have to expect problems"
Does Microsoft own your balls in a jar somewhere that you can take broken, flawed hardware and have an excuse for it? Do you accept this kind of flawed merchandising with your TV's, Phones,etc. Do these things not work on a regular basis so much so that we just say,"Oh its new". Can't we expect and demand that the products we buy will work properly? Is that asking too much as a consumer?or can you man up and say."I'm not taking this shit no more, I refuse to buy a inferior product, go back to the lab and don't come back out till you have made a product that works properly!!"(I"m looking at you Nintendo Powerglove)

Kinect will trap alot of ill informed people out there and for me that is just bad consumer relations. Its sad that alot of people are going to get gipped in the end.And saying that maybe a update later on will fix some bugs, isn't good enough. Cause that what I really want with things I buy, I can't wait to get this home and play it properly a couple months from now. Like the PS3 Move its still a casual gamer gimmick where the Move is a more responsive piece of hardware and the Wii has a better selection of Software and the Xbox has a innovative piece of Hardware.
I can probable say I won't be getting any of these.(although I do like the Wii)
Here are some the things that the game sites are saying.
For all the talk of revolutionizing the Xbox 360 experience and making gaming more natural/ accessible, it's bordering on absurd how broken Kinect is when it comes to something as simple as working in your home. I find the technology itself fascinating, but the fact that I know a lot of people who simply won't get Kinect to work in their rooms beyond troubling. Given that Microsoft conducted a beta program with actual consumers, this issue is doubly surprising, but it could just be that Kinect just works that way (or doesn't, given your room) and there's no way short of redesigning the sensor to fix it.
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